Getting Back On The Altar

Hearing from God is sometimes easier than understanding the meaning behind the message. More times than not it takes me a few nudges from God for me to really ‘get it’. I’ve often prayed “God please be very clear, You made me and know I’m not that bright when it comes to cryptic messages.”

A few weeks ago, during church as the Pastor was giving his message on hearing from God, following Jesus’ way instead for your own. I heard God whisper to my spirit ‘You’ve coasted long enough.’ Coast was a word the Pastor had used during a conversation with my husband & I when we first came to his church. We had been very involved in church prior to moving and he expressed how much his church would value our past experiences but that he would understand if we wanted to ‘coast’ for a while. Truth was I had been coasting for over a year at that time. But by this particular Sunday when God was giving me a nudge, we had committed to yourselves, this church would be our new church home.

This week while reading a devotional study on worship and making ourselves a living sacrifice for the Lord, I again hear God’s whisper. As my mind does when reading at times, my eyes must have skipped right over that explanation of the living sacrifice and landed on this; ‘the problem with a living sacrifice is they keep trying to crawl off the alter.’ That seemed to sting a little, but I continued to read to the end where the devotion posed the question, ‘What can you do to live out your decision to be a worshiper?’ ‘Yes, Lord what will you have me do now that I have coasted long enough?’ I prayed. Then this new whisper to my spirit said. “Get your house in order.” The word ‘big’ seemed to surround these words in some way but I didn’t understand why. I felt my thoughts and gut jump excitedly to, ‘This message, could it mean that my heart’s desire was about to be fore filled? Did God want me to get my house in order because of the big plans He has for me now that I was being obedient to stop the coasting through life?’

I continued with the devotion reading very verse that was associated with it and prayed the rest of the week, and nothing. No direction, no messages. Until day five when I reread the first day’s devotion, this time it was the explanation of living sacrifice that stopped me in the reading. ‘Living Sacrifice means we do not live for our own desires, our plans, and our dreams or ourselves. All of that is surrendered and we live our lives for Him.’ Then I knew what the whispers really meant; I had gotten lost in the last year of coasting. I had been sure it was MY dreams God was referring to when in fact it was ME. In the year of coasting I had not kept God first in EVERYTHING. Yes, I prayed before my meals, went to church every Sunday and prayed for others when asked to, but I didn’t ask God about the little things, I hadn’t prayed before acting out on impulses big or small, from shopping to giving, my coming or going.

The Bible calls our bodies a temple or a spiritual house in some versions ( 1 Peter 2:5). A temple is defined as a place devoted to worship, or regarded as a dwelling place for God, according to Merriam -Webster dictionary and dwelling place is a place where someone lives. I realize now that getting my house (meaning me, where I live) in order is crawling back up on the altar, putting God first in everything I do, I think and I say.

Was this new to me; was it something I’d never heard before? No. But we all falter at one time or another. I have waited too long for God to tell me to do what I want to do and say what I want to hear. I have wasted the last year not doing what He has already called me to do. I’ve coasted long enough, time to put into action my true worship and get back to living life as an example of a living sacrifice.

Lesson In Letting Go


The thought of cleaning out our 1100 square foot house and downsizing to a fifth wheel RV seemed quite doable, I mean we had only lived in for 2 and a half years. Before moving into the current home we had been in Missouri where I had downsized from 1500 square feet to just 900 square feet, then we moved back to Florida, which meant selling more stuff before that move, so really how bad could it be?

Woman on knees searching through shoes in wardrobeLittle did I realize how much of a hoarder that I really was until undertaking the job of cleaning out closets, plastic bins, an attic, carport and a shed (that was supposed to house just my husband’s stuff).  There were four bins of just photos, half a closet of craft supplies, and bin after bin of Christmas stuff. Cabinets of pots, pans, and a bunch of electronic machines I hadn’t used in years.  In fact, most of the stuff I hadn’t used in years. 

My daughter Mallory came to help me; I was overwhelmed with all the things I had collected in a short time. We started with the closets. I was the “crafty” Grandma, and the grands knew it; one day two of the girls were spending the day with me; one asked ‘So JjaJja, what do you have planned for us today?’ I had nothing….but with the craft closet, we were able to create something that day.  The craft closet filled with bits of papers and cards, fancy envelopes, paints, gems, little wooden or paper boxes and cardboard toilet paper/paper towel holders (don’t judge we create cool stuff) was our first job. Going through the closet with Mallory she’s like “Really Mom, how many precious little boxes can I have made by the kids?”  “Well, they are creating memories,” I explained. We trashed most of the items gave away a little of it and moved on to the next closet.  

In the next closet was a plastic bin I had moved with me for over thirty years.  It was a walk through the lives of my children. Mother’s day cards they created at preschool, awards they had won, newspaper articles about my son in his crew days. There was little clay objects they had made for holidays; each item had its own story how could I part with them? Then Mallory with the voice of reason, ‘You know Mom, it’s not going to hurt my feelings if you through that away.’ Sigh, I felt as if I was letting go of my kids love for me. The tangible love. The love I could hold in my hands, these items represented to me the love of a child that was totally unconditional.  

You know, God loves us unconditionally, like we love our children. Our children love us with the same innocence that we are asked to love God. While our children give us little hand made gifts and obey our rules to show their love, God asks that we show our love for Him by obeying His commandments.

 But those who obey God’s word truly show how completely they love him. That is how we know we are living in him. 1 John 2:5 NLT

 So I packed up three boxes filled with photos and my treasures from their childhood, and give each their box. Perhaps they will now feel the love I felt when I received the gifts, just knowing I had kept them all these years. 

To be continued….

God’s New Adventure For Us

God has made a few changes in our life when we were looking for our next adventure. Can I just say wow to these changes?  Once again I am amazed at how God works in my life.

It all started with my husband and I review2835b-crookedpath-1ing our financial situation. Cancer had taken its toll on our assets, mostly dissolved them, if you know what I mean. So our prayers focused on God’s will for our lives.  In the mean time we focused on paying of the debt we had accrued in the last two and a half years, looking at ways to reduce the outflow of income and save. Save what, was my first thought.  But we developed a plan and started by selling the car and cutting back on every expense.

At the encouragement of my husband I started looking for a less expensive place to live.  Moving even to a different city would mean finding a new church and less time with our grown children and our grands, so why not consider a new state?  While I was considering 8 hours away so at least we could come spend a long weekend with them, my husband asked me to check on a company in Michigan 22 hours away. He was raised there and still has family there, so for him it was a good choice, I wasn’t so sure.  But when I researched the housing in the area I was on board too.  On the website of the company he had suggested that may have a job for him, there was only one, he applied and was hired beginning in about 5 weeks at a much higher wage per hour than he was making in Florida.  God, that’s all we could think. God had opened a door to help with our financial situation; we were going to follow His open door. I could finish my Christian Life coach classes from anywhere we lived and God willing I can offer the services from anywhere also.

“Write this letter to the angel of the church in Philadelphia.

This is the message from the one who is holy and true,
    the one who has the key of David.
What he opens, no one can close;
    and what he closes, no one can open:[a]

“I know all the things you do, and I have opened a door for you that no one can close. You have little strength, yet you obeyed my word and did not deny me. Rev 3:7-8 NLT

 With any door opened by God that you begin to follow, the enemy will try to divert you, make you to doubt or get you to quit. This was no exception. As we began to plan old forgotten debts came up, a landlord that was unwilling to let us out of our lease, and to me the worse; the job wasn’t near the family.  The idea of staying with them while my husband works the new job and bank the money was out.  We were sure God did not call us to Michigan to be apart.  I suppose the idea of 60-year-old kids coming to live in the basement of his 80-year-old Mother was not really an attractive idea for us either. So we prayed. Rent was expensive in the college town we were headed to, then a new idea; like a light bulb aha moment; a RV, the original “tiny House’ living.  My husband’s Mother had told me about her and the kids staying in a trailer while my husband’s Father worked- for the same company doing the same job my husband was now doing.   There is travel involved with this new job, so it made sense to be a mobile family.  

 What an adventure that God has put before us.  This will take every bit of strength we have to pull it off, we will require strength from God, physically, mentally and for our marriage. We will need God’s favor in finding a RV and selling everything, or almost everything (this turns out to be a challenge)just for starters. But we cannot deny this is from God, we are following His will and we are praising Him for the new opportunity that is before us. Come back and follow this new adventure with us.

Caged Little Bird

I recall on a warm fall day in Florida, the red wing black birds

are feeding in the yard. To my delight I watch as they

fly in low formation, it creates butterflies in my stomach

as they dip and turn, with purpose while avoiding

the dangers that lie in their way.


But one little bird rose from the ground a little too slowly,

worrying about food instead of the danger approaching.

Caught in the fence, it’s wings spread out, the red in its wings

give a warning to its flock to stay away.

Gently touching his wings and tucking them to his sides,

I remove the small black bird from the trap that disrupted its flight.

Now sitting on the ground, he seems to gather his thoughts and then

with a flap of his wings returns to the flock.


In life we seemingly act in the same way, freely flying, dipping and

 turning to avoid the dangers that are in the way.  But like the little bird,

 we can get caught by chance when we least expect it.

For the last two years my purpose had been clear.

Survive; fight the disease that had disrupted my life.

Write; the book I had postponed for so long.

But now the book is in print and the disease is at bay

the goals I had set for myself now seem complete.

I’m sure all could tell by the smile on my face that I am free.

Like the little bird I am free from the trap that disrupted my flight.

 These goals that had brought so much joy to me to finish,

now leave me empty asking what next?

The little bird flies out to rejoin its flock. Undeterred by

what had happened that day.

But my life has changed, though I am out of the cancer trap

I still feel like I’m caged, the paths before me seem somehow

unattainable and confusing to me.

Is there life after cancer?  Yes, I am sure there is, my first step will need to

be a mental change from a caged little bird to a bird soaring free.

You see it’s not just being in the middle of the disease that is difficult,

but discovering what is next after the fight is over is what really sets you free.

The Prodigal Part III

Part III

The Lost Son Luke 15:25-32

25-27 “All this time his older son was out in the field. When the day’s work was done, he came in. As he approached the house, he heard the music and dancing. Calling over one of the houseboys, he asked what was going on. He told him, ‘Your brother came home. Your father has ordered a feast—barbecued beef!—because he has him home safe and sound.’

28-30 “The older brother stalked off in an angry sulk and refused to join in. His father came out and tried to talk to him, but he wouldn’t listen. The son said, ‘Look how many years I’ve stayed here serving you, never giving you one moment of grief, but have you ever thrown a party for me and my friends? Then this son of yours who has thrown away your money on whores shows up and you go all out with a feast!’

31-32 “His father said, ‘Son, you don’t understand. You’re with me all the time, and everything that is mine is yours—but this is a wonderful time, and we had to celebrate. This brother of yours was dead, and he’s alive! He was lost, and he’s found!’”

The brother is obviously bothered by the party that was thrown for his brother. I’d be lying if I said I didn’t understand why. I mean, here is a man that has stayed by his father’s side, working day in and day out, responsible with all that his father had blessed him with and never asked for anything from Dad. And in comes the slacker that’s blown all the money that his father had given him, never bothered to let the family know if he was dead or alive and their father throws a huge celebration. And the older son says to his father ‘but have you ever thrown a party for me and my friends?’ I mean we can sort feel his pain, right?

I notice here that the father came to the hurting older son, just as he went out to meet the younger son, but he met him to explain what had been overlooked by the older child.  With love the father says, ‘Son, you don’t understand. You’re with me all the time, and everything that is mine is yours’. Nothing had changed, the father still loved him just as much as he ever did, the return of his brother had not changed that. When change comes, we sometimes feel threatened. But when we know who we are, loved by God, and wanted by God, change isn’t a threat. Like the father in the parable, our heavenly Father celebrates every time one of His children returns to live their life for Him.

With Facebook, Instagram and Twitter, the narcissist and egoist of this world shine. You know the ones that are like the son, it’s all about him and what he was missing. It will always be what you have done wrong to them, never mind that every story they tell is out of context or incomplete, it’s all about them. They are preoccupied with personal adequacy, power, prestige, and vanity, mentally unable to see the destructive damage they are causing to themselves and often others.

But that is not what God wants for us, humility, modesty, altruism and a real love for others no matter what has happened in your life. That is what God has called us as believers to represent of Him. Love others as ourselves will require modesty and humility, and sounding the alarm that the time is short, evangelizing to others will require altruism, a selfless concern for the welfare of others. This is what was required from the older son; this is what the father showed toward both of his sons.  Yes, I want to be like that!

On another note-

My new book is out!  Life in Field Trips- Learning to Trust God, By Sherry Hanson- that’s me.  Is available on Here or through Here.

The Prodigal Part II

Part II

14After he had gone through all his money, there was a bad famine all through that country and he began to hurt. He signed on with a citizen there who assigned him to his fields to slop the pigs. He was so hungry he would have eaten the corncobs in the pig slop, but no one would give him any.

17-20 “That brought him to his senses. He said, ‘All those farmhands working for my father sit down to three meals a day, and here I am starving to death. I’m going back to my father. I’ll say to him, Father, I’ve sinned against God, I’ve sinned before you; I don’t deserve to be called your son. Take me on as a hired hand.’ He got right up and went home to his father.

20-21 “When he was still a long way off, his father saw him. His heart pounding, he ran out, embraced him, and kissed him. The son started his speech: ‘Father, I’ve sinned against God, I’ve sinned before you; I don’t deserve to be called your son ever again.’

22-24 “But the father wasn’t listening. He was calling to the servants, ‘Quick. Bring a clean set of clothes and dress him. Put the family ring on his finger and sandals on his feet. Then get a grain-fed heifer and roast it. We’re going to feast! We’re going to have a wonderful time! My son is here—given up for dead and now alive! Given up for lost and now found!’ And they began to have a wonderful time.

The son was so hungry he would have eaten the corncobs that were for the pigs, but no one would give him any. Had the son made enemies while living so extravagantly?  Had he been arrogant?  Whatever it was, the money was gone, and so were the friends he had when he was living life without a care. But when the bottom dropped out of the cradle, he came to his senses. How many times as parents are we the cradle that catches our adult baby when they are falling? They cannot make their car payment, insurance payment or rent, so we ‘help them a little’. Helping them a little is okay; it ’s the repetition of it that is wrong. God spoke to my spirit long ago, telling me to stop being the cradle that catches so He can do His work. I tried, but always supplied the need in some way, thus God’s lesson was never realized and in the end neither was the value I was trying to teach. I am not saying that God makes bad things happen to us. God is good all the time, but I do believe that bad things happen to everyone at some point, and they are life lessons we should learn. Nothing opportunity, good or bad, is ever wasted if you learn something from it.

The son learned that he didn’t have it so bad after all and decided to humble himself to his father and ask to become a servant and work for him. That would be like going from the CEO of the company to the scrubbing floors for free. The key here is that he was willing to humble himself to get into the father’s life again. There have been times in my life that I wanted someone back in my life, but the circumstances that caused the division I simply couldn’t seem to get past. I was right, no two ways about it and, therefore, couldn’t or should I say wouldn’t humble myself to bring the relationship back. I admit that there are some people, even now, I would like to have my say with, but what good would it do? They treat me with respect, and grace has overruled the past. Sometimes we just have to be more like God, and forget the sins of others as far as the east is from the west.

Notice that when ‘the son was still a long way off, his father saw him. His heart pounding, he ran out, embraced him, and kissed him.’ The love for your child will never end. They forever hold a special place in your heart.  Just like God welcomes the sinners return with open arms this father welcomes his son. The parable says the father runs out to greet him, that his heart is pounding, probably with excitement and shock, because the father thought his son was lost or possibly even dead. He is so ecstatic that he doesn’t even hear his son’s humble confession, he is just ready to celebrate his son’s homecoming. The sheer joy of the lost being found! God must have a huge celebration every time one of his children comes home, in the same way, this father did.

On another note-

My new book is out!  Life in Field Trips- Learning to Trust God, By Sherry Hanson- that’s me.  Is available on Here or through Here.

The Prodigal Part I

The Story of the Lost Son in Luke 15:11-32 is a wonderful story of love, grace and forgiveness.  There are so many lessons to learn in this parable, over the next few days I’ll write about some of what I have come to understand and apply to my life from this parable and I hope it will help you too.

11-12 Then he said, “There was once a man who had two sons. The younger said to his father, ‘Father, I want right now what’s coming to me.’

12-16 “So the father divided the property between them. It wasn’t long before the younger son packed his bags and left for a distant country. There, undisciplined and dissipated, he wasted everything he had.

One thing that stood out to me was that the father freely gave to the son his inheritance. I naturally think of receiving an inheritance after someone has died. But this father gave freely to the son what he would receive before he past away.  There is no indication that the father gave any warnings about squandering the money, no words of disappointment that the son was choosing to walk away from the family, and no stating of any repercussions should the son return home broke. The inheritance was given to the son just as God gives everything to us, no questions asked, to use with our own free will, to rescue us from ourselves and the world.  However as parents we have a tendency to have a lecture to go along with the gifts we give to our adult children. Then when things don’t go our way, we sometimes unload on them to express our disappointment. This negates the gift we gave in love and makes it a gift with strings attached. Sort of like having someone give you something very special for your birthday and then want it back because you later hurt their feelings.

The other thing that strikes me is once the son left, the passage says he was far away,  he was undisciplined and wasted all his money’ it says, so perhaps he was gone for a long time as well.  I notice that the father didn’t go looking for the son during this time. The father didn’t send a servant to find him to make sure he was doing well or even send messages to him. Unlike this father, I have a tendency to call and text and email my prodigal, perhaps this is just adding fuel to the fire. When I don’t get the reaction I want, my feelings are hurt, I become frustrated with the situation and want to express these emotions to them. I need to remember that God doesn’t chase us down, God waits on us to come to Him, He is always there available when we decide to come home, loving, forgiving and full of grace.

I want to be like that, patient and waiting with love forgiveness and grace. Let’s face it when someone is ‘chasing’ you it’s not very attractive anyway.  we have a tendency to run the other way.

On another note-

My new book is out!  Life in Field Trips- Learning to Trust God, By Sherry Hanson- that’s me.  Is available on Here or through Here.

God’s Not Done With Me Yet

What a month it was- February was one of the most exciting months I have had in a long while.  It all began February 9, my “doctor/scan day”. After, the CT scan, I met with my oncologist to discuss the results.  The radiologist nor my doctor could find cancer in my lungs. So I am off chemo for now and go back in 12 weeks for  another scan. I am certain that God has healed me!

We had friends from Michigan down to visit for a mini vacation/celebration which was a delightful trip to Key West for fishing and eating our way through the city.  We took in Hemmingway’s House, which despite having lived in the keys and the many trips I have traveled there, I had never toured his home.  The tour inspired me to keep writing a story I have been working on as well.  Walking miles across and back through Key West made me feel alive again, I am sure the new information from my doctor helped with that too, but laughing with friends fueled my new self, my new outlook on life.

Then came February 24, preparing for a trip to a conference I was excited to attend, I realized I had missed an earlier morning text.  My new grandson had decided to arrive two days early.  Layton was born at 1:16 am that morning, what a joy it was to meet him!

Then finally on February 27, my book was released, Life in Field Trips, Learning to Trust God. I am so excited at the possibilities that this book may bring. It is my life passion to see women break the chains of their past and learn to fully live in Jeremiah 29:11.  The book is available on here:

So while prior to the cancer diagnosis I was reaching out for something, longing and searching for what God wanted me to do, what God wanted from me, like Dorthy in the Wizard of Oz, I had it inside me all along.  The reward was like catching that barracuda in Key West, I worked hard to reel it in, there was internal talk some positive some negative. But in the end,  I did it. I fought Cancer and with God won, I fought negative thoughts and completed the book.

Thank you for your prayers and support over this last year  and a half. I pray for you too, my readers that this blog and the book will help someone know God is not done with you yet either.

It’s A Jungle Out There

I believe in spiritual warfare.  We are warned numerous times in the Bible by many different authors that as Christians, we should be poised for attack.  Paul talks about the Armor God has supplied us with.

11 “Put on God’s whole armor [the armor of a heavy-armed soldier which God supplies], that you may be able successfully to stand up against [all] the strategies and the deceits of the devil. 12 For we are not wrestling with flesh and blood [contending only with physical  opponents], but against the despotisms, against the powers, against [the master  spirits who are] the world rulers of this present darkness, against the spirit forces of  wickedness in the heavenly (supernatural) sphere.” Ephesians 6:11-12 AMP


Yes, we should be aware of spiritual attacks, and yes, God provides “Armor” for our battles.   In the battle we should know:

To speak truth against Satan’s lies. Know that God claims us righteous. We need to fight to not fail in our faith. Know we have salvation, and offensively we are to use the word of God.

But the question I ask is this:  Is every problem, mental or physical, we have a demonic attack?

We can go from one extreme to the other on this subject. For me the words demonic attack conjure up images of the movie from my teen years- The Exorcist;  scared the bee-gee-bees out of me. Some people think every bad thing that happens, every sin you commit is from the devil or demons and that they need to be cast out.

The other side is to ignore entirely that it even exists despite the Bible clearly tells us that it is real. I fall in the middle trying to achieve a balance.  Things I consider are- Jesus healed some, and cast demons out of some.  That tells me that not every issue had a demon attached to it. So Paul’s writings in Ephesians is to help us not only with the spiritual world but to help us fight in the flesh our desire to sin in free will.

I believe to fight spiritual warfare we are to rely on:

  • God’s power not our own.
  • Protect ourselves with the armor God has provided.
  • Cast out what needs to be cast out and pray for strength to get through the things that are ordinary trials.
  • Grow your relationship with God.
  • Remain humble in your relationship with God so that if you do need to rebuke something, you can do so in Jesus’ name and not try to do it on your own.

“Stay alert! Watch out for your great enemy, the devil. He prowls around like a roaring lion, looking for someone to devour.” 1 Peter 5:8 NLT

And we heed the warning above from Peter. Good luck out in this world, it’s a jungle out there.

I’m Moving!

Hello Friends,
Thank you for continuing to read my blog.  I have been with BlogSpot for 3 years now, they will be making some changes that, I feel, will make it harder for readers to find me or continue to read my blogs with out a gmail account. So I made the decision move over to wordpress.   My new blog will be at 
I hope to keep encouraging you, my lovely friends, with my life experiences and practical application from God’s word through new blogs. By the way some of the old most popular blogs are coming too.

Love to all!