Think about that, and really be honest with yourself and ask what is important to you. Is it to be wealthy ? Is it to be famous? Or are you half way committed to family and half way to a worldly goal? Perhaps you aren’t really committed to anything and prefer to “ go with the flow”.
Whatever you are committing yourself to now will determine your future life. So if you aren’t committed to anything or are committed to things that do not share the same values you are likely to end up frustrated or floating in mediocrity. If you focus more on the worldly ways of wealth and fame, you risk being bitter and disappointed in what your life has become.
I speak from experience here, early in life I made poor choices, some that have come back to bite me. My choices were self centered and lacking wisdom concerning my future. I was living day to day, going with the flow of the world and partying my way through life. I made little effort towards getting an education until in my 30’s when it became apparent I needed more knowledge to get on with my worldly goals. My family truly suffered, both my relationship with my parents and little did I know the relationship with my children, I just couldn’t see past today.
So everything will be destroyed. And what kind of people should you be? You should lead holy and godly lives. 2 Peter 3:11 NIRV
In the last several years I have developed a wonderful relationship with God, and with His help I have made a complete turn around in my life. The lines between the families, step & biological, became amazingly blurred. Holidays and birthdays have become times with “friends”; no resentment of each other, just our crazy functional-dysfunctional family. People were amazed that we could all get along. Though we would explain that it hadn’t aways been that way, I am sure everyone agrees we are grateful that we let God take control and make things right between us.
There are some relationships that still need work, however long it takes, I will give that to God to work on; I know it is not my job to repair everything, but is God’s job.
However you don’t have to wait; stop, think about what is important to you today, before it is too late and you have repair broken relationships or end up living a frustrated meaningless life. Let God direct your way, you may not understand where he is leading you, but you don’t have to, He sees the whole picture of your life- you don’t.