Monday, September 30, 2013

Fresh Start

It has been moving weekend, well it has turned into moving week.  You bet you can tell who you can really count on when that day comes around.  No one likes to do it but everyone likes the help!  This time my husband had to work on Saturday and I was so grateful for the guys that showed up to help me.  We could have never been able to to it on our own.  
Now that we are moved in - mostly, I look around at the boxes to be unpacked and all our "stuff" and I don't just see work.  I feel gratitude. Gratitude for the things God has been so faithful to provide. Gratitude to God for a fresh start that we so do not deserve. 
You know God is in the fresh start business.  When we accept Jesus we are given that fresh start, no matter want mess we made of our lives in the past.  No matter how many times you have blown it with your finances, people, family, illegal activity, it doesn't matter. If you truely love God, and accect Jesus as your savior, you have a fresh start waiting for you.

May the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ be blessed.  On account of his vast mercy,  he has given us new birth.  You have been born anew into to a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead.  You have a pure and enduring inheritance that cannot perish, an inheritance that is kept safe for you in heaven.  1 Peter 1: 3-4 CEB

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