Christmas time...A time for family and friends,food and presents. A celebration of the birth of Jesus....all to often put at the end of a thought. With all the hustle and bustle, parties and decorating, we are left exhausted and filled with discontent. You may be resentful of obligations to go places you don’t want to, spend money you don’t have, spend time with people you don’t like. You may envy those with the funds to have a beautiful Christmas celebration and those families that seem to have the “perfect” life. The reason for the season can become all about you, and you ask “What is the significance of it all?”
Stop! Look around you at the everyday things; the way your child’s eyes light up when they smile, the stars twinkling at night, the way the sun glistens on the snow- or the turquoise water at the beach...
They entered the house and saw the child in the arms of Mary, his mother. Overcome, they kneeled and worshiped him. Then they opened their luggage and presented gifts: gold, frankincense, myrrh. Matthew 2:11
In the ordinary things and places. That is where the wise men found the baby Jesus. In an ordinary barn , in an ordinary manger, birthed by an ordinary woman.
They came bearing gifts. Gold, a gift for kings. Frankincense, an incense used in temples to worship God. Myrrh, a spice used on the dead. All this acknowledging Jesus is God, King and Savior.
What will you bring to Jesus for his birthday this year? What can you possibly give? Trust. Yourself. Time. When you trust Jesus you are also having faith, giving yourself and your time to Him will help you grow in that faith and really get to know Him better, as a result you trust even more.
For the next week think about the new year. What will you trust in? The economy? Yourself? will you trust someone else or will you trust Jesus?
We’ll talk next Monday....
Merry Christmas!