So it has been a pretty busy week(s) for me and I obviously haven’t written lately. I have taken a part time job, pay isn’t much but it certainly helps, I enjoy it and it gets me out of the house. Learning a new job and keeping up with the other “normal” household duties I have has been, well eye opening after a year off work. But I am making it work.
We just sold our boat and upon searching through what seemed like endless papers, I discovered we had not received the title to it from the state after our “big move”. After a call to the Tax collector’s office I was told it was sent back to Tallahassee because of an address issue....Great, I thought, this could take months! But alas- there was a light, it seems it was their fault and would reprint it for free. What, get out! The state was not only taking ownership of a mistake, but giving me something for me free?
So I head to the tax collectors office, but in finding a parking place, I was not so lucky. I finally spy a place near the police station, using my best parallel parking skills I get into the space. During this time a line of children and several officers come out of the building, one officer does a double take of me in the car... thinking he was must be admiring my skillful parking, I put the car in park and proceed to turn off the engine as he looks again and says “Stop”. What’s this, I think, perhaps a compliment? He says” Abort! See that lady right there, she has a radar on you and is just waiting to give you a ticket.” What! Shocked I turn to see a meter maid chuckling as I squirm. “You see that sign?” the officer says, “This area is for police vehicles only, I am going to just give you a warning, you’ll have to move the car.” Whew. no I had not seen the sign blocked by the palm tree fronds. I thanked him anyway and moved my car to another space.
I walked into the Tag Office and get this.... no one in line! Just me! Amazing, I present my papers, and ID, ahem, ID...forgot my drivers license, good thing the officer let me go earlier. I head home grab my wallet, double check the license is inside, and head back to the Tag Office. On arrival I carefully avoid the “restricted Parking” area, then head inside to a line of about 20 people. Finally number 145 is called and head back to station 12. A very helpful woman did print my Boat Title for free, and charged me $25.00 to change my address on my license to match the current address on the power of attorney I had to bring with me to get the title. Sigh.
He does not fear bad news. He is confident; he trusts in the Lord. Pslams 112:7 NET
To that I say Amen!
And at least I only locked myself out of the house once this week.