Saturday, May 23, 2015

Josh Duggar- Why is this news?

We all make mistakes in our youth.  Some worse than others, some fall into the drug scene, steal a magazine,  lie to their parents about where they have been, cheat on a test, or even worse  hurt another person. We all have choices to make at that point, will we continue the bad behavior or learn the valuable lesson and become a better person as we mature.  
I like to believe that more people will learn from the mistakes, especially those that have a supportive family base.  Take Josh Duggar now 27 and a respected family man. He is in the news for a huge hurtful mistake he made at 12 years ago.  Josh says that he “acted inexcusably” and was “deeply sorry” for what he called “my wrongdoing.”  Which was actually molestation of underage girls, some being his own sisters.   He also says “We spoke with the authorities where I confessed my wrongdoing, and my parents arranged for me and those affected by my actions to receive counseling. I understood that if I continued down this wrong road that I would end up ruining my life.”
Josh Duggar
A terrible situation that became a valuable lesson and caused Josh Duggar to evolve into a better person, rise above the dejection and become the executive director of Family Research Council. A man changed I would say, until the media finds out twelve years later.   Now the “wrongdoing” comes back and knock him down.  I am not in any way condoning what he did, and I feel even worse for the girls that were involved.  Before you start thinking "She obviously hasn't been abused", well think again, I have been physically and mentally abused in my life by several people.
But assuming what the family has said is true; that everyone received counseling at the Duggar’s expense and that the counseling was a success for everyone, then I ask why this is news?
Why? Why is our society so determined to ruin someone else.  This not only is detrimental to the entire Duggar family, but the now grown women that were involved, their husbands, children and entire families.  They all have to relive the pain of the past.  And for what?  Sell magazines? Ratings for the TV shows?  So long as we the viewer/reader “tune in” to hear these type of stories the media will continue to seek them out. 
Why Josh Duggar; when there are many other people currently suffering molestation and rape?Because they aren’t “someone”; they aren’t a household name, they aren’t news worthy. 
What about the 18,000 to 50,000 young boys and girls that are kidnapped and trafficked in the sex trade, domestic servitude or forced labor in the US each year?  This is a global crisis and is certainly in our own backyard here in Florida, which is third in the nation as a destination for delivery of slaves; and the Tampa Bay area being 4th in Florida.  These statistics should appall everyone. 

This is news to most people in the US.  These are the people the media should be digging for information on to bring the traffickers to justice and save the lives of these children in the process. 

Yes, Josh Duggar was wrong, it was a stupid hurtful thing he did. He hurt his family and other families.  No one that has turned their life around for the better deserves to be chained to their past. The media and those buying into this type of reporting are not helping anyone.

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