I was all set to start my new cancer treatment medicine, Sutent, finally last week when I discovered the insurance wouldn't cover the cost. It's a "Plan Exclusion" they said, pretty generic statement. Hum... I mean I'm not in the hospital so I am avoiding the costs of that and daily blood work, I mean really shouldn't the Sutent taken at home be more cost effective for the insurance company? I don't understand but I'm not getting anywhere.
So after exhausting all avenues (so I thought) I called Pfizer. Through a phone interview the rep said I qualified for assistance. Wonderful- but how much help and for how long? Surely not for years.
Through the advice of a friend I continued to press the insurance company for a more specific reason. On Monday I was advised to have the doctor's office call the insurance company, now we are getting somewhere, I thought, but I couldn't seem to get to the right person to make that happen. I called the insurance company back, after being on hold for what seemed like forever, the rep there asks for my doctors name and number, she is calling him, wow! But it's now 4:15pm, I know they won't get to them today, but maybe this week.... you know how that goes, the wheels of bureaucratic red tape turn very slow.
But God.....Tuesday at 11:00 am the insurance company called back, no sweeter words did I hear that day than " We've managed to push the drug through you can order your Sutent it is covered". I love it when God works so fast! When He shows that red tape is no match for His power.
Then I happen to remember Tuesday night as I was talking with my Dad. When I first was told I had kidney cancer, during a time of worship and prayer, God told me, "I will walk you through this" and as if His hand was around my waist I felt a warmth there, and knew everything would be Okay.
You see God is faithful to fore fill all His promises, but we have to do our part. I could have took no for an answer, but with the good advice of the friend, those around me sharing my plea to God for help, and my willingness to do my part, God was able to fore fill His promise to me; "I will walk you through this."
What is your storm? God has promised to always be with us. Do your part and walk in faith, ask others to pray for you and pray bold prayers. I'm still praying bold prayers and I am expecting God to finish this walk with me; all the way to NED, No Evidence of Disease.
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