Monday, May 11, 2015

Life Like an Ocean

Here is a short story I wrote recently when I was thinking about how fast life passes us by.

Life Like an Ocean
Life can be like the ocean. The ebb and flow of the tides rhythmically moving in and out. Life gently pushing us along, drawing us into and out of seasons like a seashell tumbling along the shore. We settle into comfort with the sweeter moments that tumble our way, like finding love for the very first time or the birth of a child.  We get swept up in these warm feelings and long to stay there forever.

 But life can be like an ocean.  Angry waves can come our way, creating times when it seems we have lost all control of life.  Like a thundering wave slamming that little seashell into the rocky shore, life can break little pieces from your soul. 

Our sweet moments are lost in our memory, for in the present we have to survive the tumultuous wave that the winds of life has cast our way. We fight with ourselves to make it past this wave without drowning.  We fight for those feelings; those feelings that make us want to breathe in life again.  We fight for the comfort of those sweet moments we knew.

Life can be like an ocean. Once the storm passes, there is a gentle ebb and flow of the tides. Seashells tumbling along the shore and life rhythmically flowing along too.


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