What I am going
to write about today is surely going to rub some people the wrong way. So if
you are easily offended please try to maintain an open mind.
I have been
stuffing my emotions for a sometime on this subject, and while I am not going
to come unglued about this I do want to make this point, no matter what –
I still believe we live in the greatest county in the world.
Are there things
I would like to see changed? Yes!
I hate it that Christian values are being pushed out to accommodate
those that say they are offended by it.
I hate that every bill that is presented to congress for a vote has so
much garbage attached to it that congress doesn’t know what they are voting on
with out reading a 200 page document; then has to decide to vote against a good
issue to stop a bad issue that is attached to the bill. I hate it that
Candidates make promises that cannot be kept without the votes of congress. I
hate that congress seems to take party loyalty more serious that the issues. I
dislike the Electoral College way of voting. But I still
We live in the greatest country in the world.
“Obey the rulers who have authority over you. Only God can give authority to anyone, and he puts these rulers in their places of power. 2 People who oppose the authorities are opposing what God has done, and they will be punished. 3 Rulers are a threat to evil people, not to good people. There is no need to be afraid of the authorities. Just do right, and they will praise you for it. 4 After all, they are God’s servants, and it is their duty to help you. Romans 13:1-4
I try not to
complain about our government, I don’t know the solution to fix the problems But without exception we should be adding more God & prayer and less ego & pride. The Bible is clear about what we
are supposed to do in Romans 13.
That doesn’t mean follow blindly.
The Bible also says put God first and if those that rule go against God-
we don’t follow. Look at Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego. See, God will help
you, if you stay loyal to him.
The three men replied, “Your Majesty, we don’t need to defend ourselves. 17 The God we worship can save us from you and your flaming furnace. 18 But even if he doesn’t, we still won’t worship your gods and the gold statue you have set up.” Daniel 13:16-18
Our leaders are
not perfect; they are human. Our system is not perfect, and as our country grows
and more ethnicities come in to live here, there will be more opportunities for
adjustments so get ready.
Time it buck up
buttercup and enjoy the ride, consider it a great opportunity to teach about
what God can do for us all if we can just agree to put Him first.
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