Thursday, August 29, 2013

Finding Happiness: "Stuff"

I was looking for a new devotion to start today.  There are so many really good devotions out there, but I didn't see one that sparked an interest for me.  There are devotions on hope, courage, strength, family, relationship, grace and more.  That got me to thinking… what about a great one on happiness.  Well there was a devotion on the happy church and a three-day on finding real happiness, and a goggle search provided a few more, but not much. 

The Bible brings us good news- good news makes me happy.  What about you?  I mean if someone said “I have good news for you!”  Woohoo I’m thinking I just won the grand prize!  So where are the happy verses in the Bible.  That is my quest for the next few days.

Ecclesiastes could be considered depressing book, but Solomon is really teaching the true happiness can only be found in God. 

12 So I concluded there is nothing better than to be happy and enjoy ourselves as long as we can. 13 And people should eat and drink and enjoy the fruits of their labor, for these are gifts from God.
Ecclesiastes 3:12-13

Solomon knows that life as we know it and material things won’t last forever, that “stuff” isn’t true happiness.  But we don’t know God’s plans, so the best thing to do is be happy and enjoy life while we can. No, the boats, golf clubs, newest video games, jewlery and all the other "stuff" you may think is going to make you happy, will not. But they are gifts from God, so enjoy!

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