Last blog I started out with what a difference a day makes, but wow, what a difference a few hours can make- good or bad. On Monday I hadn't felt very good all day so I mostly rested. By 10:30 that evening I was vomiting and I mean in a bad way. After each episode I would take a sip of water and think, "Ok, that is it, now I can sleep", But with just that tiny sip of water on my stomach I was up again hugging my abdomen like I would split apart if I didn't hold it together. By 1:30am I realized I needed some help and woke my husband Steve. From there it was all down hill. By now I was not only throwing up but crying. So many emotions- Steve had to work in the morning, my 81 year old Mother in Law, who is in from Michigan to help with things, is now up. I didn't know if we should go to a local hospital or to Tampa's Moffitt where I had the surgery, should I call my Doctor? So confused I threw up once more and ask Steve to call my son to start a prayer chain, " But it's 2:00 in the morning." he said. "I don't care I need prayer!" I said. Then I got up off the bathroom floor; unable to support myself any longer, and in a cold sweat, I landed at the foot of my bed. My Mother in law is there to support me, rubbing my back, using a cool cloth on my forehead and providing me ice chips. The next thing I know my son & Steve are helping me to the car and we are headed to the closest hospital. My surgeon's associate calls to assure us we are doing the right thing and after an assessment is made of my health he asked that Steve call him back to discuss our next move.

The last place I wanted to be was the hospital. What if there was something wrong and I needed more surgery....what if.... well there are sick people in there!
But the hospital was the place I needed to go. We arrived at the hospital and check in at 3:30am, and wait, and wait finally they call me back to triage only to get my info and send me back to the waiting area. What?! All I could do is sit and cry to Jesus for help. And why Jesus, "why won't they help me?" At 5:30am I'm called back again, they wanted blood work and an IV, yes I am going to get help I thought. Fluids, that is all I need. Four tubes of blood taken and the tech can't flush the IV so I can have fluids through that IV, so he decides to try a vein in my hand- below the original site- now I am no medical person, I hate this stuff, but tying off just above the original site so soon seems to me to be a given no go to me. The vein in the original site blew as did the one he was trying to use in the back of my hand. So back to the waiting are I went, by 6:50 I was in a room. My surgeon form Tampa calls Steve- "Hey what is going on, I thought you were calling me back?" Well, Steve says we haven't spoke to anyone yet.
At about 7:40 the DR comes in, and checks my incision and asks for x-ray, IV of fluid, nausea med and pain med. 20 minutes later I have an IV, only, yes just the IV. Eight- thirty I had x-rays and by 9:30 I still do not have any fluid, nausea or pain meds.. The nurse finally arrives with it all and I am at ease. Ten minutes later the Doctor comes in and there is no blockage on the x-ray, nothing I did was the cause the vomiting and dehydration, no explanation just something that happens with major surgery sometimes. When the bag of fluid is gone he said I could go home. By 10:15 I had requested to be released the IV be taken out, we are gone by 11:00am.
Is this normal? Seven and a half hours? I don't know, but I can also tell you; that not one of the those 7 people that touched me washed their hands or used hand sanitizer. Actually there was one nurse while in my room for the 3rd time did use the hand sanitizer. I remember this because when she pulled the nozzle to release the foam it squirted all the way back to my bed. They did all use gloves, but that doesn't say much as far as I am concerned. Remember I was at Moffitt for a week where they told me to watch for these things and not to let anyone touch you that has not gone through the hand sanitizing procedures. So Why did I not speak up? Intimidation? Perhaps but mostly I was sick! People that are sick don't think clearly. They are at the mercies of those that are called to the medical field to save and help others.
The bottom line I suppose is this; we are responsible for ourselves. If you are with a loved one in a similar scenario, be aware, be fully present and watch out for them. If you don't understand -ask questions on their behalf. Pray! Pray with them, for them and ask others to pray too. It wasn't until I began to cry out to Jesus that the vomiting ceased, and a little sleep came, through that I began to feel better. My hope is in the Lord not other people. Jesus is our great healer, our peace in the storm, and our rock.
But those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will take up wings like eagles. They will run and not struggle. They will walk and not tire. Isaiah 40:31
A friend sent that verse to me today, I must say I am ready to have renewed strength, to run with out a struggle and walk with tiring... My hope is in the Lord. Amen.