Yesterday I wrote about happiness in Material things. Solomon reasoned in Ecclesiastes that
we could find true happiness only with God in our hearts.
Can we have truly know God with out faith? No. Sure, you can go
through the motions; go to church, be moved by a sermon and maybe even shed a
couple tears saying” I really felt God’s presence.”
But faith is much more than a feeling.
Faith is compassionate and empathic. There are many verses in
the bible that tell of Jesus being sadden by someone’s circumstances or that he
showed compassion for “the people”.
If a brother or sister is poorly clothed and lacking in daily food and one of you says to them “Go in peace, be warmed and filled.” without giving them the things needed for the body, what good is that? James 2:15-16 ESV
That’s not Faith. Faith is seeing a need and doing something
about it; whether it is in your community or in your church. Faith is knowing that God will give you
the abilities or bring someone to you to help with a need you want to fill. So
don’t just say “Well I’ll pray
about that.” It is impossible to
be compassionate and think of all your own troubles. Doing something for
someone else is the best therapy you can get.
That being said, faith should make us happy.
You have filled my heart with more happiness than they have when there is much grain and wine. Psalms 4:7 MSG
Our family is waiting on a new little bundle of pink any day; in
fact she is past due! I have faith she is coming and God will bring her happy
& healthy.
Another way of showing my faith, and this one will make this JjaJja
very happy!