Tuesday, June 9, 2015

So How Are You Doing?

Seems wherever I go lately everyone I meet asks "How are you doing?"  or "How are you feeling?" my constant reply is "Oh I'm fine."  with an up beat smile.  And really I am!  It may seem strange to some, but I actually thank God for the place I am in my life right now.  No I'm not glad I have cancer, no I don't like the treatments, no I don't the side effects of the chemo, and blood work- I HATE needles! 
But I love how close I have grown to God.  I love the trust I have in Him. The calmness and peaceful feelings He infuses in me. I love the closeness I feel with my family and friends.  Their love and caring for me just overwhelms me and lifts me into whole different level of love and respect.

I am drawn to learn more about God so I can help others develop their relationship with God. I am drawn to developing my skills to raise awareness to human trafficking in our area.  I just want to help others.

Yes, I have cancer.  But I refuse to let Satan keep me from the joys in my life.  I may walk a little slower, sleep a little more and not always feel like doing something outside the house.  But on my good days watch out because you will not keep me down.  That's right on the good days I want Satan to say "Oh crap, She's at it again!"

"And He said to them, "I was watching Satan fall from heaven like lightning."  Luke 10:18