Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Are you in the right job?

Leaders, if you’re constantly frustrated with your team, the odds are, it’s not their fault. Chances are, it’s the limitations you’re putting on their work. 

God gives us each talents He intends for us to use to glorify Him. If you are in a job that is not a match for your gifts, or the leadership has changed the position; you may need to pray about a change.
I experienced this not long ago; my feelings for my job went from, “Oh God do they know I would do this for free?” to, “Oh God why won’t you free me from this job?” All because the position had changed and took me out of my gifts.  It was not that I could not do the job, but it was not my best work. 

People in leadership that value their employees will realize that if an employee is not doing their best work it could be do to something they have done. Perhaps changes made were needed for the success of the organization, but ask yourself, “how can I help this employee I value? Can I adapt the position or do I have another position that is a better fit?” 
Bill Hybels uses a 1-10 analogy. Where on the scale is the employee? If they are low on the scale; why are they there? Is it due to being over challenged or under challenged? How can you as a leader fix this?
Now I am not trying to point any fingers so don’t take this personally if this message strikes a nerve, it is a life leadership lesson I have learned along with my devotion today that sparked this blog. 
“His master replied, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant!” Mathew 25:21 NIV
 You see one day God will ask, “What have you done with the gifts I have given you?”  I don’t want to reply, “I stayed in a job that never let me use them.”  God did finally release me from that job, He wanted me out of there too. He had been preparing me for a change almost a year before it finally happened. 

If you find yourself questioning the job situation, pray about whether you are in the position that God really wants for you. You may have gifts you never knew you had. Pray God will reveal them to you so in the end you too can hear "Well Done". 
“So here is my instruction to all the churches: each must live with the gifts the Lord Jesus grants you and with the call God offers you.”
1 Corinthians 7:17 The Voice

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